Ring Carnation Delivers Technical Support Workshop

During November our Technical Support Engineer Craig Briscoe, accompanied by our recently appointed Blue Light Sales Manager Lee Foxall, attended British Red Cross sites in Newcastle and Bristol to deliver some basic genisys™ technical training to a selection of their staff.

This training is intended to give a broad understanding of how the Ring Carnation genisys™ system operates, but more importantly how to troubleshoot/fault-find on it. Armed with this knowledge, but also continually supported by ourselves, they can now act as their own first line of technical support and either rule out or diagnose genisys™ faults, with a real potential to dramatically reduce Vehicle Off Road times.

Thank you to Paul Bodman from the British Red Cross and his team for their hospitality and participation.

We can cater for all levels of engagement, from Operators and Fleet Managers up to Workshop Maintenance staff. If you would be interested in a similar training session please get in touch to discuss further.